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Saturday Night Sweeper is run by Tim Elwell with Pilot Productions. The format is a handicap 3-game, 9-pin no tap. (For those unfamiliar to 9-pin, if you get 9 or 10 pins on your first ball it is counted as a strike.) All money shots must be legitimate 10-pin strikes. For those that want to know, there is an agreement between Tim and AMF Lewisville that the money for the strike and super pots will remain with the center to be returned to the bowlers should he stop running the sweeper.

STRIKE POTS -- Each game we will sell strike pot tickets, 5 tickets for $1. For every $25 worth of tickets sold, we will draw 1 ticket (ie, $200 worth of tickets sold, we will pull 8 tickets). If yours is the ticket, the next time you're up to bowl, if you get a legitimate 10-pin strike you'll win $25. If you buy a $20 string of strike pot tickets and don't get a single ticket pulled, you have insurance and will bowl your next shot for $20 if you get a 10-pin strike. Any money left over in the strike pot will be carried over the that same games strike pot the next week. (ie. $200 is shot for in game 1 and only $100 is won, then the other $100 is carried over to the game 1 strike pot for the next week.) 

COLOR PINS -- Color pins in the rack equal money for you. Depending on the placement of the pins, a color pin could mean from $1 to $20.

BRACKETS -- What would any bowling event be without brackets. We have Mixed Scratch and Handicap, and Women's Handicap brackets. Entries are $5 per bracket with the winner receiving $25 and second place $10.

GOLD PIN -- One of our newest introductions is the Gold Pin. We have 1 gold pin that is randomly dropped into the set of pins on at least one lane each game. If this pin is in the #1, headpin, position and you get a strike, you win the sponsored prize of the evening. Prizes are typically dinners for two to local restaurants, movie tickets, etc.

SUPER POT -- During all three games we will be selling super pot tickets, 5 tickets for $1, same as strike pot. At the end of the third game we will draw tickets for the super pot. The number of tickets drawn depends on how much money is in the super pot. Initially they will be $100 shots. To win the super pot you must have your ticket drawn and then strike (10-pin strike) on BOTH lanes you are bowling on. On super pot, we will pay $1 per pin knocked down, if you don't strike on both lanes (ie, you hit 9 pins we pay $9, 17 pins and we pay $17.) You must have been at sweeper two of the past 3 weeks (including the current night) to be eligible for the full value of the strike pots.

MONTHLY $100 -- Every week, those who bowl sweeper are given an entry form to win a $100 bill on the first sweeper of the month. For each NEW (not already in our database) person you bring to sweeper, you get an additional entry for the $100. Best thing is, all you have to do is show up the first Saturday of the month to have a chance at winning. You MUST be present to win.

OTHER MONEY -- We will have Men's and Women's High Pots and during the night there will be other chances to win money. And, if we get done with sweeper early you may even see some Crazy 8's. Come out and see what we're all about. 



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